Role of Kahua Software in Digitizing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Processes

Kahua Tip Data Migration

Role of Kahua Software in Digitizing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Processes

As more and more owners are digitizing their Capital Improvement Program (CIP) processes with technology, they are realizing an increase in productivity and collaboration across departments, however, there are still gaps.

There is no “one-size fits all” system and as Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) are being adopted, owners need to analyze data from other enterprise systems that are imperative to truly understanding the health of their capital programs. Data migration is scary, no matter if you are pulling in data from one system during implementation or after you are up and running. Often, when organizations realize they need data from another system they are already going 100  mph and there is not enough time to pull over and take on another kahua project management software, no matter how beneficial!

The Solution: Kahua Software’s Open Platform

Kahua is a cloud-based project management information system (PMIS) that helps construction teams work better together. It keeps all project information in one place, making it easy to share updates, manage budgets, and track progress. With Kahua, you can stay organized, avoid mistakes, and ensure your projects are finished on time and within budget.

Kahua Software’s open platform offers the flexibility to scale with your organization and build a tailored technology stack around its core. It supports the integration of multiple data sources without interrupting daily operations. Through API automation, owners can streamline the migration process, making it easier to bring in essential data when they need it most.

Customizing Data for Business Needs

The Kahua Software Owner Platform allows any organization to define the data sets best needed for their business processes. Adopting or extending third-party system data and easily customizing fields delivers a true,  enterprise PMIS.

Partnering with OnIndus and Kahua

OnIndus and Kahua will streamline the process of building your stack and deliver the insights needed to gain insights into your CIP with enterprise applications that exchange critical data points.

For more information on data migration or the OnIndus and Kahua partnerships contact us today!

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